Headed North 2
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Headed North: 2

  When John Phillips wrote “San Francisco” he hit the nail on the head.  The guy was spot on, the place is great!  He did however fail to mention the necessity of visiting the city’s neighbor to the south, Santa Cruz.  A location equally majestic in its own right.  So why not stop by for a visit.

We rolled in as slow as steady as the fog did that morning… But not as thick!  Few things are spookier then a dense fog in unfamiliar aquatic territory.  Especially in this neck of the woods.  There was definitely a “certain fish” we all had in our minds while staring into the cold grey water, but we decided to test our luck and suit up for a quick swim in the mist.

  In search of the sun we traveled east a bit into the forest.  There we caught up with a couple friends’ intent to teach us the ways of the land.   Every man should at one point in his life get in touch with his primitive side.  Spend a night in the woods, seek refuge in nature and if your fortunate enough, create the energy that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom…FIRE.

  We were covered in dirt, we smelled of smoke, but we could not have been happier.

  So, what do you do when your filled to the brim with good vibes…You share them?

  Surfing is a gift that we can easily take for granted, but when you share it, you are quickly reminded of how glorious that gift truly is.  On our journey north into San Francisco, we paid our friends at The City Project a visit…

  The Golden State was good to us…But it was time we headed north. Upward and onward to Big Foot Country.

Jason Jackson