Welcome to Warm

It’s so green here. Driving through the country side has almost been distracting these past few mornings at first light. The waterline and sky even seem like they weave together in the right light. Various shades of the island’s theme color. Perhaps that’s why the beers are even green here… But I digress. . .

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Jason Jackson
Man Make Fire

It’s what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.  It’s glow and heat has been essential for our species progression over the centuries.  All these things I knew, and I am sure you, the reader did as well, it’s practical, it makes sense.  But what I didn’t account for, what I failed to forecast, blundered in my previous assumption, was the utter, primal joy making FIRE brings. 

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Jason Jackson
By Land or Sea

By Land or Sea

“Avoid the urge to run away.  If the wolf approaches you and fails to show sign of fear, make yourself as big as possible, be aggressive, make eye contact, show the animal you are dangerous.  This is where I drop you off, you’ll want to enter the woods at the tree line and follow the path through the forest to the beach on the other side of the island.  Have fun!”…

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Jason Jackson
Headed North: 1

It’s seems more advantageous on our parts to go the other way…  Down…Southbound. To lands where the tacos and beers are cheap, where the sun seemed less apprehensive.  But we weren’t, we chose the colder route, we were headed against the grain. But hell, we were in good company, following the migration path of our fellow sea dwelling cousin the humpback whale… We were headed North.

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Jason Jackson
Headed North 2

When John Phillips wrote “San Francisco” he hit the nail on the head.  The guy was spot on, the place is great!  He did however fail to mention the necessity of visiting the city’s neighbor to the south, Santa Cruz.  A location equally majestic in its own right.  So why not stop by for a visit.


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Jason Jackson
Headed North: 3

Our journey through the Beaver State began in its heart…Portland.  Hip millennials, art bars and all sorts of creative spaces littered this coffee rich land.  But our business in the city, was strictly for supplies.  We traded in the Big Red Van (a noble steed in her own right) for two vehicles a bit more suited for the great outdoors.  We then stocked up with supplies at a local outfitter.  We were going to need thicker rubber this far north.

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Jason Jackson
Headed North: 4

This excerpt gives a preview of your blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum metus urna, semper eget ipsum eget, blandit malesuada diam. Duis eget tortor velit.

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Jason Jackson
Headed North: 5

This excerpt gives a preview of your blog post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum metus urna, semper eget ipsum eget, blandit malesuada diam. Duis eget tortor velit.

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Jason Jackson