Headed North: 5
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Headed North: 5

Voyaging across the Oregon border into the Evergreen State, felt something of an accomplishment.  It had been 5 days on the road, 3 states traveled through and over 1,000 miles traveled.
Heavy eyed from the day of travel we pulled into a small fishermen town on the Washington Coast, where our friends offered us a place to hang our heads for the night.  So delightedly, we took refuge and refueled.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed, we packed our rigs and headed to the coast to see what this stretch of the Pacific North West had on tap.  The morning air was sharp and the grey, chilly water looked far from tropical.  But where it lacked in warmth it came through in swell.
Smiling seemed to be a common action on this journey.  But waves are known to do that to you.  Grins in place, we drove towards the city to meet a few new friends that had a small craft and spoke legend of endless waves and ice-cold brews. How were we to resist?
What a journey this had been.  New friends, new waves, and memories that we’d all be hanging onto for a while (insert smiling faces and cool stuff montage.)
I suppose no matter what the direction is in which your headed, if it’s adventure you seek, well then that’s most likely what you’ll find.
Go ahead, pull anchor, gear up, grab a friend or two, go make some adventure of your own!

Jason Jackson