Headed North: 1
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Headed North Series: 1

It’s seems more advantageous on our parts to go the other way…  Down…Southbound. To lands where the tacos and beers are cheap, where the sun seemed less apprehensive.  But we weren’t, we chose the colder route, we were headed against the grain. But hell, we were in good company, following the migration path of our fellow sea dwelling cousin the humpback whale… We were headed North.

 One heads North this time of year to be cold.  To avoid the road more traveled.  The swell reports, wind forecast, and overall weather fronts would have to come together in some sort of convergence, that resembled a jambalaya of luck and low-pressure systems.  But such is adventure, such is the open road, and such is surf.

  Our make shift crew sought out for a little excursion up the coast, neoprene glad to sample what the west coast’s pristine seaboard had to offer.

  Before we packed into our northbound van, we thought it shrewd to stretch our legs in the sea.  We took to familiar shores and went for a quick dip.

  With the wind laying down and a beautiful sunset in our near future, the crew opted for a secondary sample of the sea’s bounty.

  The next morning, after some well needed persuasion that came in the form of a cup of coffee, we put rubber to pavement and hit the open road.  Before we got too far into the trip, we made a quick detour to a local craftsman.  The artistry, detail and mastery that goes into a surf craft, can only be measured by the utter joy that it brings its endued passenger.  In that quantification, our friend Mike Estrada would be likened to something between the neighborhood ice cream man and an architect.  A man that brings so much simple happiness through his craft that is so elaborate. 

  We packed our new surf riding vehicle and stopped for supplies.

  A way’s up the coast we ducked into a small town where we met a friend that had a bit of a solution to the lack of waves in our immediate forecast.

  Famished by our jet powered equestrian activities we sought nourishment.

  With only a couple days of road under our belts, we all were already full of ear to ear grins.  The road north and plenty of adventure awaited as we took to the coast and the open highway.

Jason Jackson