Man Make Fire

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It’s what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.  It’s glow and heat has been essential for our species progression over the centuries.  All these things I knew, and I am sure you, the reader did as well, it’s practical, it makes sense.  But what I didn’t account for, what I failed to forecast, blundered in my previous assumption, was the utter, primal joy making FIRE brings. 

I think we are all born with a modest amount of pyromania in our blood. I mean, who wasn’t enthralled with the fascination a match packet brought as an adolescent.  But that is not what I am referring to.  Sure, stoking a campfire brings a smile to the face.  Heating the coals of a pizza oven can turn a smile upside down.  But let’s break things down a tad more.

  If a man needs a table, he can simply visit the local furniture store and make the needed purchase.  But, when that same man collects his timber, shapes that lumber with hand and knife and then constructs his desired furnishings from scratch…Well, that brings a feeling of content and accomplishment, that is often times unmeasurable.

  The speed and flow that goes into the act of turning the energy of a hand bow, into the steady friction to create a smoking ember, is akin to the technique of a violinist in mid symphony.  Breath is key.  From creating your ember, to feeding the newborn coal to the fuel of your kindle.  Like us, fire needs oxygen to live.  However, feeding it too much can drown it and snuff its life, before it has a chance open its orange flickering eyes.  Perhaps, it is all these challenges, elements in the equation, that add resistance and complexity, that make that first glow of orange so rewarding.  To think that several tasks completed in fruition, can create this power, this force, that has driven the success of our ancestors, ancestors, is sublime.

  Every man should at one point in his life, get in touch with his primitive side.  Spend a night in the woods, seek refuge in nature and if your fortunate enough, create the energy that has molded the very beings that we are…FIRE.


Jason Jackson