Pin Holes and Passports

Coffee with Timmy Toes

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Timmy puts a lot of sugar in his coffee… I mean, A LOT, of sugar, in his coffee.  I guess that makes sense, the guy has a lot of energy.  But not in an obnoxious, or apprehensive way. Quite the contrary in fact.  He is as equal part reserved, as he is the proxy for a Good Time! Timmy, like the interview I collected from him for this story, is sort of, the opposite of what you would expect. 

Timmy is witty, that much is obvious within the first minute or two of speaking with him.  He’s confident, as one would be, standing over six-foot-tall and commonly holding a camera in front of a drove of beautiful women. But all of that is pretty surface and does not require a private investigator to conclude.

This profile narrative was supposed portray an international man of mystery, who took up water photography, only to travel the worlds exotic beaches, rubbing elbows with professional athletes and photographing the scantily clad females native to his travels. While all of that is completely factual and lusted upon by most, that is really only a piece of the man, myth and legend that is Timothy Ridenour (aka Timmy Toes.)

Timmy was born in Santa Cruz, California. An iconic beach town, just around 70 miles south of San Francisco.  He grew up idolizing surfers of the likes of Josh Mulcoy and local legend, Harbor Bill. His rapport with photography, initiated in high school, in the form of a pin hole camera.  A minuet aperture poked into an otherwise, unexceptional box, sparked something in young Ridenour, a spark that would later take him to remote corners of the globe.

Though, Timmy will only claim to be professionally working as a photographer and filmmaker for 10 or so years, he has been behind a camera by trade since 2000.  Over the last 10 years, he has really found his own, however. Creating stories, films and images for the pages of a variety of magazines and brands.  Recently Toe’s has ventured into the world of fashion. Showcasing women’s swim wear in particular, in a fascinating light.

But I digress to the story many of you may already be familiar with.  Let’s talk about Timmy the hydrologist.  Timmy majored in hydrology from the University of California, Santa Cruz.  There he learned the science of well drilling and water analysis. After rescuing his future “employer to be”, from a near death experience in Balian, Timmy took an opportunity working with him at his chocolate factory.  Yes, that’s right, in some form or another, the man is a chocolatier as well!

With the skillset of a hydrologist, coupled with a passion for the environment and sustainability, Timmy started getting involved in projects in remote islands around Indonesia with various none profits.  What started off as missions hunting down wells and other fresh water sources, quickly evolved into something bigger.  Programs to teach, train, empower small villages to work with their own existing resources to elevate their current circumstances. 

It appeared in this short sit down with Mr. Ridenor, that he had more layers then an onion.  The more we casual chatted, the more stories and incite would come to the surface.  So, I did, what anybody would do, sipping a beverage across from a fascinating subject and friend.  I asked him about advice and perspective…

“Hey Timmy,” I said finishing my last sip of my coffee, “If you could give 18-year-old you advice, what would it be? What would you tell him?”  Timmy paused, attempted to sip his last bit of sugar rich coffee, but soon realized that ship had sailed. He conclusively placed his mug down and replied, “Go through it, figure it out… Hell, I wouldn’t tell him anything, go figure it out for yourself!  Don’t listen to anyone and follow your passion kid! A lot of kids go to school and learn what to think, not how to think. Life’s about foundation and perspective. You can only achieve that by living.”

That’s where I ended my notes.  I got up, paid the bill and gave Timmy handshake and then a hug. As I sped away on my motorbike, I couldn’t help but echo Timmy’s words in my head.  Life really is about living, figuring things out and learning how to think.  All I was hoping to get was a coffee with my friend and perhaps a fun travel story, but there I was driving through the jungle on my motorbike contemplating hydrology and my very existence.